New version of the sensors and actuators

This software pack contents the sensors conversion maps and the actuators command maps like motorized throttles, gasoline injectors corrections, …
It is mandatory to install it to select the type of sensor and actuators that are equiping the ECUs, because these maps are not integrated in the ECUs software packs.




• Sensors convertion maps (new – 10th 09/2024)
• Actuators command maps (new – 10th 09/2024)


Several conversion maps have been added.
The conversion map of Ethanol content sensor has been added for our ECUs managing the Ethanol (v1.1.8.0).
The conversion map of intake pressure – atmospheric pressure Skynam_GEN3.1b0 better adapted than the Delphi_GEN3.1b0 to the sensor that Skynam provides has been added (v1.1.8.0).

The VDO motorized throttle PID maps have been modified: throttle more reactive and more precise. Less loss in revs when descending to idle. 

And since the versions prior to
For common-rail diesel engines:
The conversion map of the fuel high pressure sensor Bosch 0281002475 has been modified:
• This sensor was rated 1800 bars in the previous versions although it is a 1500 bars one
• If you set the new 1500 bars conversion in an engine tuned with the old 1800 bars conversion of this sensor:
  – You have to limit the fuel pressure target to a maximum of 1400 bars
  – The fuel quantity given to the engine will be increased about 10% and it would be better to decrease the maximum torque map to not cause an uncontrolled increase in performance

NEEDING Winjall V9.9.0.0 (see specific downloading)

V9.9.0.0 or later version of Winjall software must mandatory have been installed first.


• Download new .zip SensAct software pack file and save it in a directory on your hard disk.
• If you have already install a former version of this pack, you have to usinstall it before installing this new one:
In Windows XP, execute ‘Start/Parameters/Configuration/Add-Remove programs’.
In Windows 7 and latter versions, execute ‘Start/Parameters/Configuration/Programs and features’.
In the software list, select SensAct then ‘Uninstall’. Follow uninstall instructions.
• With the explorer, double click on the downloaded software pack .zip file, then double click on Setup. At the question on files extraction, answer ‘Extract All’.
• If the installation does not automatically start: in the new directory created by the extraction, double click on Setup (application).